sexta-feira, julho 20, 2007

não há dinheiro que pague este solzinho

quarta-feira, julho 18, 2007

...all gone to look for america...

let us be lovers well marry our fortunes together
Ive got some real estate here in my bag
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and mrs. wagner pies
And we walked off to look for america
kathy, I said as we boarded a greyhound in pittsburgh
michigan seems like a dream to me now
It took me four days to hitchhike from saginaw
Ive gone to look for america

Laughing on the bus
Playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said be careful his bowtie is really a camera

toss me a cigarette, I think theres one in my raincoat
we smoked the last one an hour ago
So I looked at the scenery, she read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field

kathy, Im lost, I said, though I knew she was sleeping
Im empty and aching and I dont know why
Counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike
Theyve all gone to look for america
All gone to look for america
All gone to look for america

simon and garfunkel, in america

terça-feira, julho 17, 2007

...não comeces a parar, não pares de começar...

Onde estão os meus amigos?
Remotas memórias
Cheiros / odores / miragens
O café
O sorriso
Olá como está!
E outras encenações
A novidade
A vizinha do 3º fugiu, amanhã vem no jornal

Ai..a imperial da Munique
Os destemidos tremoços
Moços, maçons
Canalha / navalha
Pensa coração
Amigos onde estais?

A sueca com minis à mistura
O relato da bola
A malha / copo de 3
A feira do relógio
O relógio da feira
Sandes de couratos / vinhos de Torres
Jogging de Marvila

Especialmente domingo
Barbeados / dentes lavados
E martinis no plástico labrego
Alumínio / moderno / kitch / mau gosto
12 cordas / mãozinhas
Salteadores da razão perdida
Perdidos / enjaulados
Correio da manhã
O cú da vizinha do 9ºB
Regalo para a vista
Suplemento a cores com salários em atraso

E a Lisnave / petroquímica
Cancros do meu Tejo
Apodrecendo lentamente o azul das águas
E eu impotente / cinemascope / 35 milímetros de mim
A raiva afogada entre cubaslibres e pernas de
Que não são putas nem são falsas nem são nada
São pernas de mulheres e cubaslibres simplesmente

Paga-se a saudade com cartão de crédito

Leva-me para onde está o meu amor
Leva-me para lá de mim
Atropela-me os sentidos e a alma para não deixar

(in, Slides – Retratos da Cidade Branca , Sam The Kid)

segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

The Cure - Just Like Heaven

( versão dos Goldfinger...)

"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream

Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven